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Bespoke Training

Gain a thorough understanding of the operation of the PAYE system and the workings of payroll. Covering the key areas of employment law which impact on the payroll function.

Bespoke Training
Personalised, Project-Based, and Scalable

Personalised, Project-Based, and Scalable

Transform potential into expertise with Udacity’s hybrid learning model, which delivers up-skilling at scale with a hands-on approach.

Our flexible learning paths blend self-paced content, on-demand mentorship, and classroom-style interaction, ensuring a learning experience that’s as unique as your business needs.

Exclusive content, exceptional quality

Our content is highly curated—in partnership with industry leaders from Google, Amazon, Microsoft, and others—to advance expertise in data science, ML, cloud computing, cybersecurity, and more.


hours of content (updating regularly)


hours of content (updating regularly)


hours of content (updating regularly)


hours of content (updating regularly)

Personalised, Project-Based, and Scalable

Personalised, Project-Based, and Scalable

Transform potential into expertise with Udacity’s hybrid learning model, which delivers up-skilling at scale with a hands-on approach.

Our flexible learning paths blend self-paced content, on-demand mentorship, and classroom-style interaction, ensuring a learning experience that’s as unique as your business needs.

Personalised, Project-Based, and Scalable

Personalised, Project-Based, and Scalable

Transform potential into expertise with Udacity’s hybrid learning model, which delivers up-skilling at scale with a hands-on approach.

Our flexible learning paths blend self-paced content, on-demand mentorship, and classroom-style interaction, ensuring a learning experience that’s as unique as your business needs.

Learn more

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  • Receive detailed course information and syllabus
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JOhn Doe
JOhn Doe
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