Cookie Policy


Our site uses cookies to enable it to preform better, for the use of contact forms, our help desk etc.. We also need to make sure that your browser knows that you want to be login to the members area. We also use cookies for site analytics (how we measure visits to our site) this will help us understand how our site is being used and how we can improve it.

What Is A Cookie?

A cookie is a small piece of data sent from a website to your internet browser. They can never contain malware or a virus but will help the site work better by remembering preferences (or the information you provide to login or contact forms) set by the user. These cookies help your browser communicate with the site. They remember settings for login forms or preferences that we need to communicate, without them that aspect of the site simply would not work.


Our site use the following cookies:

From Google Analytics: _utma, _utmb, _utmc & _utmz

These are used to allow us to measure how our site is preforming and to taylor our contetn to better match our customers.

From Our Site: cc_cookie_accept, ipass_tpl, jpanesliders_content-sliders-230, jpanesliders_permissions-sliders-230, jpanesliders_permissions-sliderscom_content, jpanesliders_plugin-sliders-10031, jpanesliders_module-sliders,daebadfc1c1feaa86a8ea126f2b4396d, 56757336218065b55682246fa66d6e30 & 3d5b7af176a1ef4eb52159ba3b986821

These cookies are necessary for the smooth operation of this site.

You can learn more about cookies from wikipeda here

This is what the office of the data protection commissioner says about cooikes…


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