
Qualification Obtained

Professional Payroll Manager

Validated By


The IPASS Professional Payroll Manager Qualification is a superb 1 year course which has been specifically designed to meet the needs of Irish payroll managers and senior staff. The syllabus for this course was prepared following consultation with payroll professionals in both the public and private sector. We believe that this syllabus reflects the diverse range of skills, which all payroll professionals require in order to function efficiently.

Having successfully completed the Certificate in Payroll Techniques, many people want to further their studies and to gain additional experience and knowledge which will assist them in their future career. However, to progress further, knowledge of more than just payroll is required. Most, if not all senior payroll personnel are responsible for the management of a team of people and are required to contribute to their employer’s financial and HR decision making, quite apart from the additional technical knowledge required in relation to Employment Law, Income tax, PRSI and USC.

Students will be provided with an extremely interesting and challenging Payroll Management programme, together with a thorough education in the concepts and techniques of management specially adapted for the payroll environment. Successful students will acquire a professional qualification, which will enhance their career prospects and improve confidence and self-esteem.

If you have ambition and a desire for self-improvement as a payroll professional, this is the most suitable course for you! Apart from the additional knowledge and self-confidence which you will gain from this course, you will clearly display that you have the desire, the commitment and the ability to pursue further study for the purpose of improving your work performance, traits which all employers look for in management staff.

Entry to this course is only open to applicants who have successfully completed the Certificate in Payroll Techniques.

This course is available as an online (distance learning) course. It consists of 3 separate modules, details of which are available in the Course Syllabus. Students will be able to attend four classes for Module 1 and two classes for Module 2 and Module 3. Classes are held on a Saturday. It is recommended that students attend and participate in the classes (either in the classroom or online). Classes will be recorded and a recording of the class will be made available on our Online Learning Platform in the week following the class. Students will receive full tuition in the course material for each module and will also be engaged in group discussions and the examination of case studies.

A telephone helpline service and tutor support are available to all students throughout the course. Students will receive full tuition in the course material for each module and will also be engaged in group discussions and the examination of case studies.

Students will receive a course manual for each module in which the course material is laid out in a user-friendly format. Each chapter contains a number of self-assessment questions, so that students can test their knowledge as they progress through each module.

Students will be given full instructions on the preparation of an assignment and each module will include two sample assignments and solutions. These are designed to act as a guide to provide students with a structured approach regarding the required layout and format when preparing the main assignment for submission.

  • Online Course Fee  = €1,240 which includes Associate Membership Fee, FREE IPASS Book for 2025, course material and assignment submission fees.
    1. Pay in full on application €1,240
    2. Pay by instalment – €500 with your enrolment and then 5 monthly instalments of €153 each.
  • Module Exemption Fee (Note) = €125
  • Fees can be paid in full with your enrolment or via instalment options. If paying by instalments an admin fee of €25 will be added to your course fee. Instalment options are available when you are purchasing the course. An initial fee of €500 is payable with your application followed by 5 monthly payments of €153 for online students.
  • Associate Membership Fee includes a copy of the IPASS book for 2024 and covers 1 year from date of enrolment on the Professional Payroll Manager course.
  • NOTE  – Module Exemption
    You may apply for an exemption from a module based on accredited prior learning. Your application must be accompanied by supporting evidence, including course syllabus, of educational or professional achievements on which the claim to exemption is based. Students may only apply for an exemption from either Module 2 or Module 3 only.

Students are assessed on the basis of a written assignment based on a case study. Don’t be put off by the term “assignment”. It is equivalent to a long essay and guidance will be given to all students. The assignment for each module is designed to test students’ understanding of the principles and practices outlined in the course material and on their ability to apply this knowledge in a given situation. The course assignments will be based on case studies and students will be required to identify a number of issues which need to be addressed, explain why they believe these issues need to be addressed and then outline actions that they propose should be adopted and the reasons for these actions. Students will have sufficient time to consider their response to their assignment and to make any changes they require before submitting it to IPASS for assessment by the examiner.

Students who successfully complete the Professional Payroll Manager Qualification can progress to study other professional qualifications such as accountancy, law or HR management.

This qualification greatly enhances your self-development and career prospects in payroll. Students who successfully complete this course will be eligible to join the Irish Payroll Association as full members and to use the designatory letters MIPA (Member of the Irish Payroll Association).

Dates for 2024/2025

Module 1 October 5th, October 19th, November 9th & November 30th
Module 2 25th January & 15th February
Module 3 22nd March & 12th April

Classes are scheduled to run online from at 10.00am until 4.00pm each day.

Class dates are subject to change so it is always advisable to check with the IPASS office in advance. Students will be notified in advance of any changes.

Dates are subject to change.

Enrolment Form

Instalment Payment Options

Course Brochure


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