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IPASS Terms & Conditions 2024/25

Welcome to the IPASS website. By accessing and using this site, you agree to these terms and conditions. They govern your use of the site, so please review them carefully before booking any program.

Changes to these Terms & Conditions

We reserve the right to amend these Terms & Conditions at any time, without prior notice. Any modifications will take effect immediately upon being posted on our website. By continuing to use the site, you acknowledge and agree to be bound by the updated Terms & Conditions.

Privacy and Protection of your Information

Your privacy is of the utmost importance to us. Our Privacy Policy outlines how we collect, use, and protect your information and about you during your visit to our website. For detailed information, please review our Privacy Policy.

Availability of Programmes

  1. All bookings for specified programs on this site are subject to availability. IPASS reserves the right to refuse tuition fees and deny any applications at its discretion.
  2. Late enrolments may be accepted based on the availability of places.
  3. Course start dates may be postponed, or courses may be cancelled if there are insufficient enrolments. IPASS will make reasonable efforts to offer an acceptable alternative course.
  4. For details on course cancellations and refunds please see the “Course cancellation by the learner” section below.

Programme Requirements

  1. Students must meet the programme schedule requirements. Project submission deadlines or access to the learning material cannot be extended unless there are extenuating circumstances. Supporting documentation will be required.
  2. Please note that the course and all additional learning supports are delivered and assessed entirely in English.


  1. We accept payments via payment plans, bank transfer, or credit card through Stripe.
  2. Access to online content will be granted only after the payment due is received.
  3. For students on a payment plan, failure to make payments within the agreed timeframe will result in the suspension of course access. If the full fee is not received, all course fees paid up to that point will be non-transferable and non-refundable.
  4. No additional time will be provided for any loss of access due to non-payment. Project submissions will not be accepted while course access is suspended.
  5. Different terms apply to students who use a third-party finance option. These terms will be detailed in the student’s individual contract with IPASS.
  6. Programme fees are non-refundable once the course has commenced.
  7. Booking deposits are non-refundable. If IPASS cancels a programme, booking deposits may be transferred to an alternative programme specified by the learner, as outlined in our Refund Policy.
  8. Learners who commence a programme and subsequently fail to attend classes or withdraw at any stage remain liable for the full programme fees.
  9. If any learner withdraws before completing the programme, any entitlement to a refund will be governed by our Refund Policy.
  10. Fees must be paid in full before the programme commences unless otherwise agreed with IPASS.
  11. IPASS reserves the right to withhold services until any outstanding balance is settled.
  12. For employers sponsoring their staff, the employer is responsible for all payments due, including those arising from termination of employment or withdrawal/cancellation by the learner. The employer must complete an Employer Sponsorship Form, and payment is due within 30 days of signing.
  13. Course fees for future intakes are subject to review.
  14. IPASS reserves the right to adjust course fees to reflect any pricing changes effective before the course commencement date(s).

Use of Website Materials

All content and materials on the Website, including but not limited to text, designs, logos, graphics, images, information, data, software, routines, documentation, technology, sound files, and other files, as well as their selection and arrangement (collectively referred to as “Materials”), are owned by us or licensed to us. These Materials are protected by copyright, trademark, and other intellectual property laws.

You are permitted to view, access, download, or print copies of the Materials solely for your personal, educational, and non-commercial use. Any alteration, reproduction, publication, public display, distribution, or commercial use of the Materials is strictly prohibited. Unauthorized use of the Materials may violate copyright, trademark, and other laws.

Any use of the Materials not explicitly allowed in these Terms of Use or otherwise authorized by us is strictly prohibited.

Intellectual Property Rights

The Website provider holds or is licensed to use all intellectual property rights associated with the Website and Services, including but not limited to copyrights, patents, trademarks, and trade secrets. This encompasses all versions of the Website, the software used to operate the Website and Services, and any data generated by users, including data obtained from you.

The Website is intended for personal use only. You are not permitted to alter, transfer, copy, store, publish, rent, license, sell, distribute, or create derivative works based on any of these intellectual property rights.

By posting content or submitting material on the Website, you grant us a non-exclusive, royalty-free, and fully sub-licensable and transferable right to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, translate, create derivative works from, distribute, and display the content worldwide in any media.

User Code of Conduct

You agree not to:

  1. Use the Website in any unlawful or inappropriate manner, as determined solely by us, or in any way that could damage, disable, overburden, or impair the Website.
  2. Use automated scripts to collect information from the Website or to interact with the Website or its data without our authorization.
  3. Impersonate any individual or entity, or falsely represent yourself, your age, your qualifications, or your affiliation with any person or entity.
  4. Publish, upload, display, or transmit any private information of any third parties on the Website, including but not limited to addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, social security numbers, and credit card information.
  5. Access or use any data, services, systems, or networks without our express authorization, including attempts to probe, scan, or test system vulnerabilities or breach security or authentication measures.
  6. Unlawfully interfere with any user, host, or network, including but not limited to sending numerous duplicate or excessive automated emails, flooding, or deliberate attempts to overload systems and perform broadcast attacks.
  7. Distribute or deploy any malicious code, including but not limited to viruses, worms, trojan horses, or other harmful software designed to gain unauthorized access to or damage computer systems.
  8. Engage in any conduct likely to result in retaliation against us or the Website.

Force Majeure

IPASS shall not be held liable for any failure or delay in the performance of this agreement if such failure or delay is due to events beyond the reasonable control of IPASS, significantly impacting its ability to fulfill its obligations under this agreement, and could not have been reasonably anticipated or prevented. Examples of Force Majeure events include, but are not limited to, acts of God, pandemics, terrorist attacks, government orders, strikes, and shortages of supplies. However, IPASS will not be excused from liability for failures or delays caused solely by general economic conditions or other broad market effects.

Course Access Period

Access to the Learning Management System (LMS) is provided for the duration of the course. Once the course period (to include any examination/assessment periods) ends, access to the LMS will be revoked. Requests for additional access time may be made; however, any extension will be granted at the sole discretion of the course provider.

Course Cancellation by the Learner

To cancel a programme, learners must provide written notification via email to [email protected], clearly stating the reason for cancellation.

Cancellation charges apply as follows:

  1. Cancellations made within the cooling-off period of 1-14 days after registration will be eligible for a full refund, provided the programme has not yet commenced.
  2. Once the programme has commenced and is accessible to the learner, it is considered that the services have been used and the terms and conditions accepted. As a result, no refund will be issued after this point, as the cooling-off period is no longer applicable.
  3. Repeat Exams

    For students enrolled in the Certificate in Payroll Techniques course, where you fail the examination, you have the option to repeat the exam at the next available sitting. The fee for repeating the exam is €50.

    Repeat Modules

    For students enrolled in the Professional Payroll Manager course, you may have the option to repeat a module, subject to availability and minimum participant numbers. The Fee for repeating a module is €100.

    Questions and Contact Information

    If you have any questions or comments related to the Website, please contact us at [email protected].
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