Schedule of Student Fees for 2024/2025


Student Registration €200
Course Fee (Classroom/Distance Learning) €1150/€850
Revision Day (Optional – per stage) €100
Examination Deferral Fee €75
Re-check of Examination Paper (per paper) €30
Res-sit Examination Fee €50


Student Registration

A student registration fee of €200 is payable on enrolment by all students. This covers a period of 1 academic year covering two consecutive terms of study (e.g. September to August or January to December).

All students must be registered with IPASS in order to sit their examinations. It is important to note that if a student defers their examination to an alternative date, their student registration fee may be payable again if their deferred exam date falls outside the initial 12 month registration period.

During this period each student will be entitled to a number of student benefits, including access to the IPASS helpline, receipt of an electronic newsletter, discount on IPASS courses, and other benefits as advised.

Once a student has completed their course of study, their student membership will lapse. However, successful CPT students will be invited to join IPASS as an Associate Member entitling them to use the designatory letters AIPA on payment of an annual associate membership fee. All other persons are entitled to apply to join IPASS as a Corporate Member, on payment of an annual corporate membership fee. Both Associate Members and Corporate Members are entitled to membership benefits which include access to the IPASS helpline, an electronic newsletter, discount on IPASS courses, and other benefits.

If you enrol in September your registration will expire on the 31st August the following year.

If you enrol in February your registration will expire on the 31st December of the same year


Course Fees & Revision Day Fees

Classroom students will pay a course fee of €1350. An additional fee of €100 is payable to attend each Revision Day.

Distance Learning students will pay a course fee of €1050 to include their Revision Pack.


Examination Deferral Fee

Students who wish to defer their exam sitting must notify IPASS in writing, no less than 14 days prior to the examination date, together with the appropriate deferral fee of €75. Email or faxed requests for a deferral will be accepted, but faxed requests must be signed and the deferral fee must be paid immediately. No deferral will be permitted within 2 weeks of the exam date except in very exceptional circumstances. Non-attendance at an exam sitting without deferral notification and approval will be treated as a fail in the overall results. A deferral fee will be payable for any deferral granted. No additional examination fee will be payable for the deferral exam sitting, provided it is undertaken within the next 9 months.


Re-Sit Fee

Where a student fails to achieve a pass mark of 60% in the exam paper, the student can request to have their exam script rechecked within 10 days of notification of results. A request for a review must be made in writing within the specified period of the date of issue of the results to students, accompanied by a script review fee of €30 per exam script. The review of the student’s exam script will be carried out by an examiner following which a report will be made available to the student. The exam may be reattempted at a future examination sitting. A re-sit fee of €50 will be charged per examination.


Payment Options

Option 1: Paying your course fee in full at the time of enrolment the fee due is €1350/€1050 (classroom/distance).

Option 2: Paying by Instalments: 5 monthly payments (dates are approved in advance once you enrol)

  • Classroom students: €500 with enrolment and 5 monthly payments of €175
  • Distance/Online students: €500 with enrolment and 5 monthly payments of €110
  • The additional payments must be paid by credit card, debit card

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